As an artist, I am fascinated by the aesthetic of imperfect bodies and flesh as it is. I like to explore how a body works and what it consists of by the visual language of painting. I do admire how evolution has created these ideal machines. However I am not so concerned about the flesh itself, but related issues like immortality, the vulnerability of the flesh, cloning of human organs, sexual and gender relationships, as well as the relationship between body and mind.
In the recent series, I have been inspired by the works of Jane Saville and Lucian Freud, Alexander Deineka, as well as Renaissance artists.
I always admired the old masters, and I like using their strictly phased system to create my large canvases.
In my work, I strictly follow the technique of the old masters. I make a compositional sketch for each work, then a drawing, then a grisaille in a brown-white tone, and only then, if necessary, I apply a layer of colour. This very laborious technique creates the effect of naturalness of the flesh. Also, it makes possible to enlarge fragmentation and the creation of large-size paintings.
Art for me is a necessary condition for existence, on the one hand, protection from external conditions, on the other hand, it is the facility with which I explore life.

Alexandra Suvorova