Solo exhibition:
 2019 -"Blindness", eco-festival, Kronshtadt Museum of history, Sankt-Peterburg                                        2017 - «Temptation in the paradise», Jersey Moscow brand, Moscow;
             «The joy of travelling», Art school "Details", Moscow;
2016 - «The place of birth», Heritage Institute. Moscow;
            «My Shakespeare», Russian Cultural Centre, London, England;
2015 - «The architecture of cities», Russian Cultural Centre, Copenhagen, Denmark;
           «Coast: cross-cultural crossings», Museum of the Ocean, Kaliningrad;
           «Parisian studies», exhibition hall of the Library named after Ivan Turgenev, Moscow;
           «Vulnerable», open studio, Cite Internationale des arts, Paris, France;
2014 - «Loneliness in the faces», Galagellery, Moscow;
2013 - «Parisian stories», Black Dog gallery, Moscow;
2012 - «Barbarians», open studio, Cite Internationale des arts, Paris, France;                                      “The paper city”, Cite Internationale des Arts, Paris, France;
2008 - «Paintings», Russian Cultural Centre, Berlin, Germany;
2007 - «Coast», Russian Cultural Centre, Luxembourg;
2006 - «Travelling», Russian Cultural Centre, Washington, USA
Selected group exhibition: 
2019 - "The Other Art Fair", Los Angeles                                                                                               " Artrooms", art fair, London
2017 - «Theatre in the main role», All-Russian museum of applied and folk art, Moscow;
           «South-west», the Exhibition Hall of the House of Artists at Vavilova street, Moscow;
2016 - "Me Larionov", All-Russian museum of applied and folk art, Moscow;                           
           «Together» project, Vienna art-fair, Vienna, Austria;
           «Russia: from capital to countryside», with the support of the Russian Direct Investment Fund and "Together" project, "Red October", Moscow;
           «Neighbours", the Exhibition Hall of the House of Artists at Vavilova street, Moscow;
            Art-fair «ArtMonaco», Monte-Carlo, Monaco;
           «Art Spring», Central House of Artists, Moscow;
           «City in words», mural project, Moscow;
           "Together" project, Central House of Artists, Moscow;